Affiliate Disclosure

At BoltBikers, our mission is to provide you with comprehensive and reliable information about bikes, biking gear, and accessories. We’re passionate about biking and want to help you find the best products to enhance your biking experience.

As part of our commitment to transparency, we want to inform you about our participation in various affiliate marketing programs. This means that when you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in a commission that is credited to BoltBikers. These affiliate relationships play a role in supporting our website and our mission.

How Our Affiliate Relationships Work:

  1. Product Links: When you see a link to a product on our website, it’s likely an affiliate link. These links take you to a product on a retailer’s website. If you decide to purchase the product, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.
  2. Honest Reviews: Our product reviews are based on thorough research and, when possible, hands-on testing. Our opinions are our own, and we strive to provide honest and unbiased information. The presence of an affiliate link does not influence the review or our recommendations.
  3. Your Trust is Paramount: We understand that our readers trust us to provide honest and unbiased information. This trust is the foundation of BoltBikers, and we are committed to maintaining it. We only recommend products that we believe are of high quality and will be beneficial to our readers.
  4. No Extra Cost to You: Using our affiliate links does not incur any additional cost to you. In fact, in some cases, our partnerships may allow us to offer you discounts.
  5. Your Support: By using our affiliate links, you are supporting BoltBikers. This support enables us to continue providing high-quality content and keep the website running.

We appreciate your support and understanding. If you have any questions about our affiliate relationships or any other aspect of our site, please feel free to contact us.

Ride safely and enjoy your journey!

The BoltBikers Team

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